Charity drive lends helping hand to underprivileged

TAKAFUL Brunei, comprising Syarikat Takaful Brunei Darussalam Sdn Bhd and its subsidiaries, Takaful Brunei Am Sdn Bhd (TBA) and Takaful Brunei Keluarga Sdn Bhd (TBK) reached out to the underprivileged as part of the company’s annual corporate social responsibility activities during the holy month of Ramadhan known as ‘Jalur Kasih’.

Takaful Brunei’s Acting Managing Director Haji Shahrildin bin Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Utama Dato Paduka Haji Jaya, along with a group comprising Takaful Brunei management, officers and staff, presented donations to 10 underprivileged households.

Takaful Brunei aims to promote awareness of the less fortunate and encourage the community to provide assistance during the holy month of Ramadhan.

Participants in a group photo

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