TBA Musafir (Travel) Takaful

From takeoff to landing, you need a partner you can depend on anywhere you go.

Our Coverage Includes

Personal Accident

Medical Expenses Abroad

Medical Expenses with Covid-19 Coverage

Trip Curtailment & Curtailment Abroad

Musafir Travel Naim

Participate from as low as B$26

B$100,000 maximum sum coverage for Personal Accident

Medical Expenses Abroad

B$20,000 for Medical Expenses Abroad with Covid-19

Up to B$200 coverage for Emergency Dental Care Abroad

Maximum limit of B$2,000 for Loss or Damage to Baggage

B$200 coverage for Baggage Delay

Up to B$5,000 coverage for Trip cancellation, Trip Curtailment & Trip Interruption Abroad Due to Covid-19

Maximum limit of B$500 for Trip Delay

Up to B$1,000 coverage for Missed Flight Connection Abroad

Up to B$10,000 coverage for Compassionate Visit by One Immediate Family Member

Musafir Travel Firdaus

Participate from as low as B$51

B$150,000 maximum sum coverage for Personal Accident

Medical Expenses Abroad

B$100,000 for Medical Expenses Abroad with Covid-19

Up to B$400 coverage for Emergency Dental Care Abroad

Maximum limit of B$3,000 for Loss or Damage to Baggage

B$400 coverage for Baggage Delay

Up to B$10,000 coverage for Trip cancellation, Trip Curtailment & Trip Interruption Abroad Due to Covid-19

Maximum limit of B$1,000 for Trip Delay

Up to B$5,000 coverage for Missed Flight Connection Abroad

Up to B$10,000 coverage for Compassionate Visit by One Immediate Family Member

Musafir Travel Family Plan

Participate from as low as B$80

B$100,000 maximum sum coverage for Personal Accident with an Aggregate Limit of B$300,000 for Family Plan

Medical Expenses Abroad with an Aggregate Limit of B$300,000 for Family Plan

Medical Expenses Abroad with Covid-19 up to B$20,000 per person

Up to B$400 coverage for Emergency Dental Care Abroad per family

Maximum limit of B$3,000 per family for Loss or Damage to Baggage

B$400 per family coverage for Baggage Delay

Up to B$10,000 coverage per family for Trip cancellation, Trip Curtailment & Trip Interruption Abroad Due to Covid-19

Maximum limit of B$1,000 per family for Trip Delay

Up to B$5,000 per family coverage for Missed Flight Connection Abroad

Contact Us

Help & Support

TBA Call Centre
224 4000

WhatsApp Line

TBA WhatsApp
743 4000

Business Hours

Monday – Saturday
8:15 AM to 4:00 PM

Takaful Brunei Mobile

Available on the Apple App
Store and Google Play.


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