TBA House Owner Takaful

Don’t let unexpected perils destroy your properties and hard work – instead, be comforted with our TBA House Owner Takaful Scheme to help you to keep your properties safe.

House Owner Takaful Scheme

Comprehensive protection to private dwelling owners of the ‘Rancangan Perumahan Negara’ and ‘Skim Tanah Kurnia Rakyat Jati’

Coverage against loss and damages caused by events such as natural phenomena, theft with evidence of forced entry, temporary property transfer, personal accident

Takaful period ONE (1) year

Contact Us

Help & Support

TBA Call Centre
224 4000

WhatsApp Line

TBA WhatsApp
743 4000

Business Hours

Monday – Saturday
8:15 AM to 4:00 PM

Takaful Brunei Mobile

Available on the Apple App
Store and Google Play.


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