TBA marks launching product extension with group cycling

http://borneobulletin.com.bn/tba-marks-launching-product-extension-group-cycling/#attachment wp-att-20253457/0/

TAKAFUL Brunei Am Sdn Bhd (TBA) held a group cycling session at the Bandarku Ceria event yesterday to mark the launching of their product extension, the Personal Accident for Active Life Takaful and All Risk Takaful for Bicycle.

The launching kicked off from the Dar Takaful building in the capital and ended in front of the Prime Minister’s Office and was led by the Acting Managing Director of Takaful Brunei Darussalam Sdn Bhd, Haji Shahrildin bin Pehin Orang Kaya Lela Utama Dato Paduka Haji Jaya.

TBA is the first Takaful (Islamic Insurance) provider to offer the Personal Accident Takaful for Active Life and All Risk Takaful for Bicycle in the country where the Takaful Protection plans are made to cater to individuals with active lifestyles such as those who routinely play recreational sports, cycle, join fitness classes/programmes or the gymnasium.

When doing health and fitness programmes or activities be it outdoors or indoors, individuals will always run the risk of injuries and these products were designed by extending the Takaful benefits and subject matter insured with new additional coverage.

With the goal of the Personal Accident for Active Life Takaful to ensure these individuals are protected through compensation benefits that assist in speedy recovery, the types of injuries due to accidents during these activities include sutured lacerations, avulsions, bone fractures, bone dislocation and also include physiotherapy expenses.

Wheelchair and prosthesis expenses are also included if the injuries sustained require its usage, corrective dental and/or cosmetic surgery expenses up to B$5,000.

Individuals are able to choose from a range of three plans that cover death and total permanent disability due to accident with 24-hour worldwide coverage provided with treatments within Brunei Darussalam.

Participants of the group cycling session posing for a photo with their bicycles. – PHOTOS: LYNA MOHAMAD
Participants of the group cycling session posing for a photo.

Brunei Darussalam was ranked number one in obesity among Southeast Asian countries in 2016 and concurrently, diabetes is among the top diseases suffered by the citizens of the country.

The Government of Brunei Darussalam has put significant efforts in educating, promoting and encouraging its citizens to live a healthier lifestyle, not just physically but spiritually as well with the vision of a Zikir Nation.

Combining those elements altogether, TBA is pursuing to play its role in establishing better health and fitness awareness with the introduction of these two product extensions. With the special Takaful protection plans, individuals can be worry free about the financial cost of rehabilitation from sustaining injuries during their everyday recreational activities.

Meanwhile, cycling is seen as an activity that is becoming a significant trend and more people are investing in premium cycling equipment. The All Risk Takaful for Bicycle protection plan covers bicycles that cost B$1,000 and above in the event of theft on premises and damages caused from road accidents.

It aims to reduce the cost of replacements in the event of an unforeseen accident or theft; individuals will be able to recover faster and pursue a longer active lifestyle with their loved ones.

The Personal Accident for Active Life is also available for companies who provide group fitness classes, programmes and facilities to be included into their clients memberships as an additional benefit, allowing companies to provide value-added to their clients and hopefully encourage Brunei Darussalam residents to choose a healthier lifestyle as well as acts as an opportunity for the local fitness industry to grow.

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